
Digitalna transformacija procesa u Orbitex International d.o.o


O projektu

Razdoblje provedbe projekta:

                 01/04/2023- 01/03/2024

Ukupna vrijednost projekta:

                EUR 135.244,54 (1.019.000,00 kn)

Maksimalni iznos bespovratnih sredstava (55%):

                EUR 74.384,50 (560.450,00 kn)

Sredstva Korisnika:

                EUR 60.860,04 (458.550,00 kn)


Ciljevi projekta:

Projekt adresira problem neefikasnosti internih procesa poduzeća Orbitex International d.o.o. u segmentu reproizvodnje rabljenih fotokopirnih uređaja. Cilj projekta je digitalno transformirati interne procese reproizvodnje što će se postići razvojem i implementacijom ERP sustava s pripadajućom opremom te jačanjem digitalnih vještina zaposlenika u korištenju inovativnih digitalnih alata. Projekt će rezultirati većom produktivnošću zaposlenika, efikasnošću i efektivnošću internih procesa Poduzeća, većim zadovoljstvom kupaca i boljom suradnjom s dobavljačima što će direktno doprinijeti smanjenju troškova reproizvodnje, povećanju profitne marže te u konačnici povećanju tržišne konkurentnosti Poduzeća.


Rezultat projekta:

Razvijen i implementiran inovativni ERP sustav, te unaprijeđene digitalne vještine zaposlenika za unaprijeđenjem internih procesa reproizvodnje rabljenih fotokopirnih uređaja.

Kontakt osoba za više informacija: Filip Luka Vidović

e-mail: info@orbitex-trading.com

 tel: +385 99 347 1737

„Financira Europska unija – NextGenerationEU.

 Izneseni stavovi i mišljenja samo su autorova i ne odražavaju nužno službena stajališta Europske unije ili Europske komisije.
Ni Europska unija ni Europska komisija ne mogu se smatrati odgovornima za njih.“

Digital transformation of the process in Orbitex International d.o.o.

About the project

Project implementation period:

01/04/2023- 01/03/2024

Total value of the project:

135,244.54 EUR (1,019,000.00 HRK)

Maximum grant amount (55%):

74,384.50 EUR (560,450.00 HRK)

User funds:

60,860.04 EUR (458,550.00 HRK)


Objectives of the project:

The project addresses the inefficiency problem of the internal processes in Orbitex International d.o.o. in the segment of remanufacturing used photocopiers. The goal of the project is to digitally transform the internal processes of remanufacturing, which will be achieved through the development and implementation of an ERP system with associated equipment and by strengthening the digital skills of employees in the use of innovative digital tools. The project will result in higher employee productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of the Company's internal processes, greater customer satisfaction and better cooperation with suppliers, which will directly contribute to reducing remanufacturing costs, increasing the profit margin and ultimately increasing the Company's market competitiveness.


Result of the project:

An innovative ERP system was developed and implemented, and the digital skills of employees were improved for further improvement of the internal processes of remanufacturing used photocopiers.

Contact person for more information: Filip Luka Vidović

e-mail: info@orbitex-trading.com

phone: +385 99 347 1737

"Financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.

The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Union or the European Commission.
Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them."